800.662.3474 [email protected]

Monthly Lake Maintenance Programs


Ponds Beautiful offers a large selection of aquatic vegetation control.


Pond problems are much easier and cheaper to correct when they are small. If a problem is allowed to go uncorrected for a longer period of time (invasive plants, for example), it can be exponentially harder to correct. Farm ponds, private lakes, golf course ponds, and commercial ponds in the Medina city and Medina country area can benefit greatly from a monthly pond management program.

Pond Weed Control

Don’t let aquatic plants become nuisance weeds. Out of control plant growth can increase mosquitos, clogged drains and foul odors.

Algae Control

Control pond algae and unwanted weeds for a cleaner appearance as well as improving swimming, fishing, and boating.

How Can We Help?

800.662.3474  |  [email protected]